Monday, August 15, 2011

I had a dream there were shards of great toffee...shards of great toffee

Spending the entire day shopping for last minute college stuff for Mackenzie, I was ready to get home, but the condition of my house was...oh...good...god...let's just say if we didn't own it, we'd be evicted. My 7 yr-old son and my 50 yr-old husband are like germs...they-and their stuff- are everywhere. I navigated through three loads of laundry before realizing that I hadn't fed them dinner and begrudgingly threw some chicken on the grill at 7:45 (I told you I forgot). At 8:30 dinner was done. I had Mack clean up, gave Tom a haircut, threw in a load of whites and sent Tom upstairs to put Jack in the bath.
By now, the kitchen is clean and I'm tired, just...tired and the only thing that keeps me from egging Sharon's house is because we're making toffee. My blood type is toffee.

She promised it would take about 20 minutes, which is quicker than running to CVS and back for a Skor bar, and it only cost a buck and a quarter for the bag of chocolate chips, which is not much more than a candy bar and since I am on a budget, I passed on the almonds as a topper. My only condition was that she make it without her $20 candy thermometer which I didn't have. I was hoping it would ire her but she was all like "Ooooooooh! A Challenge!" (She's icky). The trick is watching for the copper penny color. It turned copper, I carefully poured it onto the parchment covered cookie sheet, sprinkled the chips, spread it up top and put the whole thing in the freezer. Once it hardened, I took it out of the freezer, broke it into pieces and tried it. I'll be damned if it isn't the BEST TOFFEE EVER! Just like the coffee houses that claim they make the best cup of coffee...I made the best batch of toffee for $1.25, in 20 minutes, in my kitchen, with no candy thermometer or heavy-bottomed saucepan. I can't wait till Christmas, everyone's getting toffee. It's toffee time.

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