Monday, September 12, 2011

Chicken Fried STEAK!

Holy hell.  This dish is comfort food at its finest...
I was gifted a Comfort Food Cookbook for my birthday last weekend, and Peter (smartly) dog-earred the Chicken Fried Steak page... heretofore referred to as CFS.  My mouth watered just looking at it.

Kristy, I will post the steps in this process but I have a bad feeling that you will never ever even try it.  It took about an hour to prepare, but it was diner goodness.

I need to work out for like 6 additional hours to work off all the fat & butter and fried amazing goodness, but oh well, it was worth it.
Check out that GRAVY!


Kris Lapota said...

I don't even - wait.....did you just use fried and gravy in the same sentence? the risk of being..I'm at...Can..I think I'm experiencing a brain bleed....because for the first time....maybe EVER, you have my full attention. Your wish is my command, I am a slave for you. Yes, I'm interested. Yes I want to make this. Yes, I want to eat this. Can you just say it again? Fried and Gravy (it deserves capitalizing). Can you like say it real fast? Like say "Fried" then super quick say "Gravy". FriedGravy! FriedGravy! FriedGravy!
Wow....that sounds nice.
Poor Vega-ma-terian Laura...your poor cousin...she's probably crying in the mulch she's eating for breakfast.

Sharon Lee said...

I know....its sad...poor Laura. (my birdseed eating cousin) And then of course there is Courtney. She says she's a Southerner but she's never made this. Do you really want to try this Kris? It took about an hour to prepare, only 7 minutes to eat. It is made with cheap meat. That's one point in your favor i do believe.

friedgravy, friedgravy, friedgravy

cwjohnson said...

Hello, this Southern (orginially from Midwest) loves Chicken Fried Steak. And I have made it thankyouverymuch! Although if we are being honest, I prefer it when my mom makes it. Who likes to clean up flour messes!

And this next confession might put me over on Team Kris...I have been known to dunk my chicken fried steak in ketchup. Oh, the shame!